Tips for a Successful Halloween
With Halloween just around the corner, kids are starting to feverishly plan their costumes and plot out routes for maximizing their candy haul. Concerned parents and neighbors alike want to make sure that trick-or-treating is as safe as possible, and for good reason— there are a lot of scary things that can happen to kids besides being spooked by a scary mask or hearing a witch’s cackle. Below are practical tips for both trick-or-treaters and those who hold down the fort to pass out candy to ensure a safe, yet fun Halloween.
make sure costumes (including wigs, bags, and accessories) are fire-resistant
if makeup is being worn, test it out in a small area first and make sure to remove it at the end of the night
if going out at nighttime, wear reflective clothing or bring along glow sticks and flashlights
younger children should be accompanied by a responsible chaperone
older children who are venturing out alone should have a pre-planned route, as well as a cell phone in case of emergency
if bringing a cell phone or other electronic devices, don’t let them be a distraction
establish a curfew
stay on sidewalks and well-lit areas, and be vigilant for motor vehicles
wait to eat candy until back at home to ensure all treats are properly wrapped and safe
instruct children to never go along with or get into a stranger’s car
Motorists and those who stay at home:
drive with extra caution, and beware of people in dark clothes
watch for children in the roads and crossing the street
keep lawns and front porches well-lit and free of tripping hazards
restrain pets, especially if they are easily excitable or scared
report any suspicious activity to local authorities
Happy Halloween from the Tamara Kucik Team!